Image | Title | Summary |
Managing Thy Mouth | In an age of much loose talking, we are reminded of Bible guidelines to control our mouths. This booklet contains a study of the subject as used in a Sunday school class. | |
The Christian and Alcohol | The Bible speaks about the use of alcohol beverages. The contemporary views of the world and church are interchangeable. The Christian is expected by God to follow the Word of God. Read and follow God’s direction. | |
Building by Faith | This contains a record of some of God’s marvelous answers to prayer while building the church’s meeting house. We hope it will encourage your Faith. | |
God’s Gift of Repentance | Man is not capable of properly repenting any more than he is of properly believing. It is a great blessing that repentance is a gift given to us to be exercised. | |
God’s Contracts | God has made and fulfilled many contracts with men over time as recorded in the Bible. This material by R. I. Humberd looks at many of those contracts and God’s faithfulness throughout. | |
Diligence | God considers diligence to be a positive trait and one well worth developing in our lives. | |
70 Years with Jesus | This is a spiritual biography from conversion in 1950 until present day. | |
The Gifts of the Spirit | Most people talk of the seven or nine gifts of the Spirit. This booklet presents twenty-one, with scriptural references for each for your consideration. | |
The Value of Your Calling | We live in a day when the call of God to the ministry is highly underrated. This material explains God’s value of that calling. | |
Set Your Affection on Things Above | This Bible command tells us where and how to have our affection on God and heaven. | |
Prudence | God has promised special blessings on those who have attained the virtue of prudence. Many suffer for their lack of prudence. | |
Cults and the King James Bible | The confusion of the cults is often exposed by the clear light of the King James Bible. Read this booklet to see this in action. | |
Bible Thieves | This short work is an introduction to how so-called scholars have been taking verses and parts of verses out of our Bible, declaring that it improves them. It is amazing how daring they have been. | |
Salvation, Security, and Assurance | This booklet by R. I. Humberd sets forth the elements of salvation in a simple way so that anyone may understand. | |
Building a Family Altar | This booklet deals with the concept of regular family devotions and the Bible’s teaching about such. It discusses some of the practical issues of what should and should not be included in family worship times. | |
Everyone Has Problems (Depression) | We hear about and see a lot of depression in these days in which we live. This is not a new problem, but it is good to consider what the Bible says about how depression can be a useful tool in Christian growth. | |
Thankful or Unthankful | Christian gratitude is needed in our “hurry-up” society. From the Christian’s gracious heart should flow genuine thankfulness. In this changing culture it still shines, as the gem of thankfulness is always appreciated. | |
Sincerity | The material in this booklet deals with the origin and meaning of the word sincere and God’s precise use of the word which helps us in dealing with which Bible we should trust. | |
Soul and Spirit | This material deals with a subject often misunderstood. Its clear and simple explanation of the differences and functions are worth the time to read the booklet. | |
Deafening Silence | This booklet answers the question of why the Jewish tribe of Simeon was left out of the list of | |
From Plowing Corn to Preaching Christ | God can use anyone who is fully surrendered to Him, as can be shown in the life of R. I. Humberd. This is his short autobiography of how God led him from darkness and doubt into a life of service and usefulness for Him. | |
God or Baal | This short work explains the contrast between the God of the Bible and the contemporary god in the Old Testament. This contrast continues in various ways till this day. | |
Wanted: A Man | E. M. Bounds said, “Churches are looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. Men are God’s method.” There is a great shortage of holy men to be leaders in God’s kingdom. | |
Kept by the Saviour | This short work deals with the two sides of common teaching and aims for a Biblical balance on teaching. One side is that how you live after you are saved determines whether you will lose your salvation. The other side is that if a person makes a decision they are … | |
The Christian Home | The Christian home is one of the most important units in our world. The devil has done much to break down the home and the results have been disastrous. We hope that the formulas for the Christian home laid out in this booklet will be a help to some in … | |
P is for Prayer-November | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-December | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
Lessons from Jacob | There are many positive lessons to be learned from the life of Jacob. These are brought to our attention in this booklet by R. I. Humberd. | |
P is for Prayer-October | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-September | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
The Two Trees in the Midst of the Garden | Interesting and helpful insights for the Bible student. | |
P is for Prayer-August | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer July | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-June | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-May | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-April | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-March | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
Roots, Fruits, and Suits | “Out of the heart are the issues of life.” This booklet shows, through examples, the differences between a corrupt and a righteous heart and the fruits that each produce. | |
P is for Prayer-February | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
P is for Prayer-January | In my first year of pastoring (1968), a lady asked if I would consider preaching some messages on prayer. Although I had done much personal study on the matter, I had never spoken about it publicly. Since then I have studied more and preached and taught much on the matter. … | |
What Think Ye of Christ by H. A. Ironside | This evangelistic teaching booklet was produced by Dr. Ironside and has much helpful material in it for assisting those who have been ensnared in different false groups. A major difficulty in witnessing today is that most people have an improper view of who Jesus really is. These teachings are a … | |
New Testament Key Texts- Personal Evangelism #3 | Included you will find rather familiar Scriptures which I have found useful in witnessing to the lost. They could also be used as Scripture readings for the sick or in home visits. I have tried to give several lines of thought that are quite obvious in the Scripture passage. When … | |
Principles from Proverbs- Personal Evangelism #2 | In witnessing, you will soon discover there are different types of people that you witness to. These types are well-described by God in the book of Proverbs. This study will help you to understand how to approach different people. | |
Personal Evangelism-Times of Openness | This booklet contains ideas for opportunities for personal evangelism gathered over the decades from observation and experience. There are many other ideas that could be pursued for the individual to be alert to “watch and pray.” | |
Bible Study on Prayer-2 | This is the second in the series of Bible study notes to help believers know more about fellowship with and receiving from God. | |
Bible Study on Prayer #1 | The studies in this booklet include a result of years of searching the Scripture to be able to teach the church how to be more effective in prayer. I have taught these studies and shared the outlines with you as I have found them helpful over the last approximately forty … | |
The Authority of the Scriptures in the Book of Acts | This was a study presented to the Dean Burgeon Society on the undermining of the Bible teaching on the church by some of the new versions. | |
The King James Version by Inspiration or Translation | This material was taken from a message I preached on the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible at the Dean Burgeon Society’s annual meeting. It deals with the issue of whether or not the translators were inspired when producing the finest English Bible. | |
Jesus’ Commands | During the 1970’s and 1980’s I became heavily impressed with my lack of knowledge and ability to find a good list of the commands of Jesus. After making a rather thorough list, I preached approximately thirty sermons on “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (Matt. … | |
Basic Issues About Our Bible | My son John asked me to write this material for his son, my grandson Bobby, who is in the fifth grade, homeschooled in English as a second language. It is in workbook form to be part of a Christian school curriculum. As with the others of our booklets, please feel … | |
The High Cost of Adultery | This little study goes into the Bible teaching of what it costs an individual to commit the sin of adultery. The message is quite appropriate for the days of immorality in which we live. | |
Faulty Translations and Missions | This material is the result of a partial study done in the 1990’s about the difficulty of Bible translations in a number of languages. It is my present understanding that in at least two of these languages there have been some good improvements made. | |
A Look at Other Languaged Bibles | This material was as accurate as I could make it in the 1990’s when it was first produced. It has proven helpful in the improvements of modern language translations in several cases. There are many groups working to update others these days, but this booklet will give insight into the … | |
Bitterness: Highly Contagious | Bitterness is an issue which confronts all believers at some point in their lives, if not constantly. This message has been a help to some in this area. | |
The Gospel | The word gospel means good news. This booklet deals with God’s good news. Some would try to divide God’s good news into various divisions. In this booklet we deal with the overall view of God’s gospel to mankind. | |
The Body for the Lord | Pastor Jeff Plemons from Kingston, TN, opens up the last part of I Corinthians chapter six. His insights were, for me, the most helpful I have heard on the subject especially the more difficult parts. | |
The Heart of a Mother | Pastor Mark deals with the uniqueness of a mother’s heart. He shows not only that the Bible has taught this, but cites recent scientific evidence that shows that the Bible had insight that, for centuries, was unknown to those ignorant of the Scriptures. | |
The Scriptures and Evangelism | This message was preached for the Dean Burgeon Society in 1995 on the necessity of using Scriptures–especially accurate Scripture–in evangelism. | |
Saved? Saved from What? | I once was asked the question “Saved? Saved from what?” I found it to be a very helpful question in understanding true salvation and helping individuals examine their profession. The Bible speaks clearly on the subject. | |
“I Don’t Know” Scholarship | The old agnostic position has been rephrased in our intellectual circles. It is now popular to not be dogmatic about one position in a controversy. This booklet deals with that on the Bible issue. | |
Basic Issues About Our Bible | This booklet is a start on studying five key doctrines underlying our Bible: the pre-existence, inspiration, preservation, corruption, and translation of the Scriptures. | |
Who Will be Barred from Heaven? | Enclosed is a list of sinners who God will not allow in heaven unless they are saved from their sins. | |
How Altered Bible Terminology Endangers Our Churches | A simple study showing how new versions change old teachings in one area. | |
The Effects of Children on Their Parents | This Bible study came after years of teaching on parents raising their children biblically. I began to see the matter of cause and effect. In Proverbs I discovered 20 different effects children have on their parents. | |
Thoughts from Alexandria, Egypt about the Bible | A retrieval of the majority of a message given at the 1993 DBS annual meeting. | |
Compassion | Written by a missionary to Brazil, this booklet shows the difference between concern for souls, love for souls, and compassion for souls. | |
Bible Doctrine #10 Worksheets – Future Things | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #10 – Future Things | |
Bible Doctrine #10 Future Things | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #9 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #9 – The Christian Life | |
Bible Doctrine #9 – The Christian Life | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. | |
Bible Doctrine #8 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #8 – What is the Church? | |
Bible Doctrine #8 – What is the Church | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #7 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #7 – What is Salvation | |
Bible Doctrine #7 – What is Salvation | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #6 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #6 – Man and Sin | |
Bible Doctrine #6 – Man and Sin | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #5 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #5 – God the Holy Spirit | |
Bible Doctrine #5 – God the Holy Spirit | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #4 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #4 – God the Son | |
Bible Doctrine #4 – God the Son | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #3 – Worksheets | Questions for Doctrine #3 – God the Father | |
Bible Doctrine #3 – God the Father | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #2 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #2 – Who Is God? | |
Bible Doctrine #2 – Who Is God? | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
Bible Doctrine #1 – Worksheets | Questions which accompany Bible Doctrine #1 – The Scriptures. | |
Bible Doctrine #1 – The Scriptures | This study is one of a series of ten which originated in the 1960’s when I wanted an organized doctrinal study for the people to whom I ministered. I first presented it in the mid 1970’s to a Tuesday morning Bible class in the church where I ministered. Starting in … | |
The NIV and Evangelism | The NIV and Evangelism- This material was delivered at the Dean Burgon Society annual meeting, dealing with the weakness of the NIV for witnessing. | |
Bible Helps for Music Choices | Bible Helps for Music Choices- The Bible gives much direction to the Christian that will govern right choices to music; not only now, but in the future as the world continues to change the churches music. This is the result of many years of study on this topic. | |
The Charismatic Movement | The Charismatic Movement- This series of Bible studies was first presented at a conference of Baptist ministers in Venezuela. Nearly half of the men had led their churches into the Charismatic movement and some others were undecided in the way they would go. The booklet has had fairly wide circulation … | |
For These Truths We Stand | This was written in 1978 to lay out the basic truths and distinctives of the recently formed Bible Brethren Church. | |
Milk of the Word | This is a series of sermons preached from the end of Hebrews chapter five and the beginning of chapter six. Included are the six areas that God defines as the Milk of the Word. Failure to understand these areas often causes confusion on the rest of chapter six as well … | |
Every Word | This message was preached at the annual meeting of the King James Bible Research Council held that year at Quinton Road Baptist Church in Illinois. | |
The Bible and Business | The Bible gives clear teaching on how Christians should operate in this world with business. We are not to use the world’s precepts for our methods. | |
Seven Practical Benefits of Holding to the King James Bible | This material was presented to the Dean Burgon Society annual meeting, showing that the KJV has most practical benefits for those who have studied it, stand for it, and live by it. | |
Redeeming the Time | This truth from Ephesian 5 teaches how we can wisely use our time, and to a degree, recover time lost in the past. | |
Daniel Nash | As a child and then a teen I was fascinated with the ministry of Daniel Nash. Over the years, I was able to gather over twenty sources of material on his life. In the 1980’s I was taken to his grave sight, and was able to gather some further information … | |
Plea for Purity | An urging for young people to maintain moral purity. | |
Your Faith Groweth Exceedingly | This study is taken from recordings being preached at the camp meetings at Faith Baptist Church in Gainesville, GA in 2019. In the first year and a half it has proven to have been a help to many churches. | |
Christian Manners | This material was first preached in our own church, but the manuscript is taken from what I preached in a morning and evening series in Christian Lake Bible Conference in upstate New York. | |
When Being Sorry is Not Enough | This material deals with topic that saying sorry is not the same thing as being repentant. | |
The Old Cross and the New | This classic reveals the distinct difference of the old and the new Gospel. | |
Satan’s Devices | This tool for Spiritual Warfare was given during a morning session of the camp meeting at Faith Baptist Church in Gainesville, GA, by the son of the pastor. | |
Flee from Idolatry | Brother Jeff Plemons from Kingston, TN preached this message at Bible Brethren Church in Hagerstown, MD. It has been printed in both English and Spanish. | |
Building Men for the Kingdom | These studies were first prsented to the men’s Sunday School class at the Bible Brethren Church in Hagerstown, MD. | |
Will You Have Blood on Your Hands? | This topic was more commonly spoken on in my younger days (1940s-1960s). Perhaps this call to an old topic will help us regain our vision and zeal. | |
No Fear of Fire | First preached at Bible Brethren Church during the pandemic of 2020, these messages have helped a number of saints to take courage during days of confusion and fear. | |
The Chocolate Soldier | This is an old classic written by a man who served as a missionary in China, India, and Africa. He was to Cricket in Britain what Babe Ruth was to baseball in America. He gladly turned from sports to serve the Savior. | |
How to Survive and Thrive During the Apostasy | This booklet was taken from a series of messages preached at Bible Brethren Church in Hagerstown, MD, but the written material was requested by preachers of the camp meeting at Faith Baptist Church in Gainesville, GA. Hopefully, it will give encouragement in the dark days of the decline of the … | |
Choosing A Mate | This material was first taught as a series of Sunday School lessons. I taught this as examples for how to raise and prepare your children for a good marriage. Many of the parents in the class heard it as what was wrong with their marriage. My granddaughter, while preparing the … | |
Addiction | I had a comprehensive major in college which included health education, including addiction studies. In studying the Bible I found that God designed humans to be addicted in a positive way to Him and His work. This booklet is the result of some of these studies. | |
Who is a Biblical Christian ? | The following message was preached at a Camp Meeting at the Faith Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia, during the summer of 1995. Requests for the message in written form has been sufficient to try to make it available. The form is of the spoken word and it comes from a … |